Release v2.4

  • Items without a price ($0 price) can now be entered within the Order Details grid when using the Order page in Warehouse/Pantry Warehouse
  • We’ve introduced the concept of Pantry Pickup Times which will allow pantry users to set times/intervals that members can come and pick up their order. When placing an order, members can then choose among the available times they’d like to pick their order up. For more information, see our article on Pantry Pickup Times
  • We’ve compacted the list of languages displayed when a member is placing an order themselves or a pantry user is placing an order on behalf of a pantry member. The list of languages will now be displayed within a drop-down with scrolling text to indicate language selection.
  • We are now keeping a record of the user who marks an order as completed either through “Pantry Visitors” or from the “Manage Orders” page. Upon request, this information can be added to reports for review.
  • We’ve removed the second “Cancel” button that appeared on the member ordering page. Instead, users will now see the translation of the word “Cancel” followed by the English translation of the word “Cancel” in parentheses on a single button.
  • When entering a member id on either the Pantry Assist page or the Member Self Ordering login page, any additional white space included in the entry will be automatically removed.
  • We’ve given users the ability to perform a search against a copy of the USDA’s food item database without the need of a scanner when adding a new item. After adding a barcode, users will be able to use a “Search” button next to the barcode entry to initiate the item search.
  • We’ve aligned the look of the Food Item Add/Edit page in Pantry Warehouse and Pantry Maintenance so that Point Value, Buffer Limit, Sequence, “Enable Stock To”, can be set by pantry users who only have access to Pantry Warehouse.
  • We've added a "Name" column to "Messages" grid within Pantry Maintenance to help distinguish the purpose of the various messages.
  • We've introduced a new packaging feature that allows you to combine multiple individual food items into a single "Package" food item that can be distributed just like any other food item. A "Quick Checkout" feature was also established.