Release 2.4.4


  • We have begun adding filtering options to the header rows of many grids in the Pantry Maintenance, Pantry Warehouse, and Warehouse modules. The filters can be accessed using the “filter” icon within the grid header. This will give search capability to pages that previously lacked searching options in the past.


  • If a pantry is enabled for it, members can now register for new pantry accounts themselves. Please see our guide on Member Self Registration for more details.
  • On the member login screen, a phone number, email address, or Pantry ID can be used to log in. The system will automatically determine which of the three values was provided based on the input and search for the member with those details.


  • We have added the ability to search past orders received (from the Receive Order page in Warehouse/Pantry Warehouse) for orders containing specific items.
  • For pantries that distribute inventory to other pantries, we have an issue relating to viewing and distributing inventory that was originally designated to two different pantries.
  • We have added text fields to search for specific “Messages” on the messages page within Pantry Maintenance.
  • In Inventory Adjustment, we have added an “Original Designated To” column to the grid to show the difference between two rows that otherwise appeared to be the same.
  • We also show the original designation when opening the details of the inventory adjust row. Additionally, the width of the quantity (On Order, Requested, and Allocated) text fields have been increased so that they are less likely to be obscured by a long UOM name.

Additional updates made early July 2021

  • Bug fixes and improvements for the Pickup Time Availability function.
  • Removed the need to include the pantry prefix within the member ID when using the member ID on the Pantry assist/Quick checkout or Pantry Visitors pages.
  • Fixed a bug causing items to appear duplicated on the Quick Checkout page
  • Added the ability to define quantity limits for food items when used on Auto Menus