Release v3.8

This version is currently on testcenter (

Change to Calendar Item recurrence

If a recurrence needed to change, it was recommended that you end the recurrence and start a new. This feature is now built into the calendar item.

For example, lets say you have a daily appointment with a contact that is from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You would create the appointment, and set up a daily recurrence. This will work the same with a weekly / monthly recur, but easier to show as daily.

The contact may request that the appointment shift from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM starting next Monday. Currently to accomplish this, you would need to open the recurrence, add an end date, then create a new recurring calendar item for the new time. Now you can simply click on the next Monday appointment.

The first thing you will notice is that you are no longer prompted to open this or the original. That dialog has been moved to the calendar item save.

You can change the start time of the appointment to 10:00 AM and save.

As this item was part of a recurrence, you will be presented a new dialog on how you would like to save the item.

Only this appointment in the recurrence = The change you made will only affect this appointment. This would have been the same as "Open this occurrence only"

All items in the recurrence = The change you made will affect every calendar item in the recurrence. This would have been the same as "Open the original appointment"

All future recurring items starting  [Start Date] = The change you made will affect all calendar items starting on the date entered. This is equivalent to ending the current recurrence, and starting a new one with the updated values. Instead of the additional steps needed, you can simply choose this option to have that done for you automatically.

If you choose All future recurring items starting, the calendar item recurrence will end , and a new recurrence will start on that date

Any changes made to the 9:00 AM recur will only affect the 9:00 AM items.

This change adds in functionality that we were instructing users to do manually

Change to break from recurrence

With the above change to recurring calendar items, simply saving the calendar item will not remove it from the recur (as it did prior). There is a new button on the dialog that will allow you to break the item, so it is no longer part of the recurrence. First open the item, then click the Break button

The item will save, and remove itself from the recurrence. Modifying this item will now be independent of the parent.

Change to delete of recurring calendar items

With the change outlined above, the delete of recurring calendar items changed slightly. With the "Open this.." and "Open the original.." dialog moved, deleting will prompt you on which part you want to delete.

Delete only this occurrence = from the date you opened, only this calendar items will be removed.

Delete all future appointments = from the date you opened, all future recurring calendar items will be removed.

Delete all = will delete every recurring calendar item in the recurrence

Change to Calendar Invite

An invite to a user in the system will now be delivered as an ICS file.

Opening that file from the Email widget will display a new dialog

From the dialog you can accept or decline the invite. If you accept, the appointment will show on your calendar.

Calendar items you are invited to can only be modified by the user that invited you.

Fixed issue with SMS / Call with forgot password

When selecting SMS or Call, you will receive the SMS or phone call to your recovery phone number.

Fixed issue where the incorrect Payer Id was showing under Insurance Rates

On the Procedure > Insurance Rates tab, the Payer Id was displaying the internal id, and not the code that is visible under Payment Sources

Cleaned up the EDI dialog
Cleaned up Create New Form