Release v3.7.5

This is a minor update to release 3.7, most fixes have been applied to live already.

Updated testcenter: 5/18/2018


- issue where contact was not saving the preferred phone type

- issue where folders would not load due to size

- issue where Internet Explorer was not loading the view email dialog

- issue with qty field on expense grid not allowing decimal values

- issue where grids were not scrollable on forms

- issue with not being able to select a contact on a calendar item using MAC Firefox

- issue where a user could not save under User Maintenance

- issue with signature box not showing on forms.

- issue with attachments opening from an email

- bug with weekly recur showing the incorrect day of week

- issue where user name would change when editing a note in a folder


- Insurance Company , added Payer Group and Rate Grouping. These fields were under classic. Now they are under dashboard.