Proofing Screen (Classic)

The Proofing screen allows you to review the billable items that have been posted from timesheets before adding to batches to send for billing.



1. Drop downs to filter the grid

2. Buttons to act on items that are in the grid

3. Grid results

4. Button to add items to the grid


There are a few different options for filtering items on the proofing screen. The below information describes how each filter works.

First select what you would like to search by. Everything you search for will use the Date range parameter.

All = all items on the proofing screen within the selected date range.


Status = all items with a particular status within the selected date range.

You will need select a status from the drop-down to search.

Contact = a particular contact that has an item on the proofing screen within the selected date range.

The drop-down that shows will contain all contacts that have an item on the proofing screen. You must select a contact to search.

Staff = a user in the system that has an item on the proofing screen within the selected date range.

The drop-down that shows will have all users in the system that has at least one item on the proofing screen. You must select a staff member to search.

Activity = all proofing screen items with a particular activity within the selected date range.

The drop-down that shows will contain all activity codes that are on the proofing screen. You must select an activity code to search.

Cost Center = (Program Code) all proofing screen items with a particular program within the selected date range.

The drop-down that shows will contain all program codes that are on the proofing screen. You must select a program code to search.

Procedure = all proofing screen items with a particular procedure code within the selected date range.

The drop-down will contain all procedures that are on the proofing screen. You will need to select a procedure to search.

Insurance = all items for a particular insurance within the selected date range.

The drop-down will contain all insurance companies that are on the proofing screen.

Quick Add

Quick Add

Sometimes an item will need to be manually added so it can be billed. The quick add will allow you to add a billable item to the proofing screen.

Note: Any item created this way is not linked to a calendar item, so reports may not work the same as if it was created from a users calendar, and submitted on a timesheet.

Fill in all the information for the item, and click the Add Entry button.

Depending on your current filter, you may need to re-filter to see the item you just added.

Delete Checked, Re-Process Checked, Send Checked, Send all Completed

Delete Checked, Re-Process Checked, Send Checked, Send all Completed

Send All Completed

The next step for a billable item is a batch (Third Party Billing), Self-Pay, or Non-Bill.

When you have reviewed the proofing screen item, you can click the Send All Completed button. This will move all all GREEN (Pass), BLUE (non-bill) and YELLOW (warning) items to the next step.

You will be prompted to confirm your action in case it was accidentally clicked.

Send Checked

Send Checked

This will do the same as Send All Completed except it will only include items that have been checked in the grid.

Re-Process Checked

When an item is manually changed, or something external is changed to cause the item to change to a different state, you will need to reprocess. The Re-Process Checked button will perform that action.

Delete Checked

When an item needs to be deleted from the proofing screen, you can check the checkbox for that item, and click the Delete Checked button.



The legend button will show you what the colors mean in the grid

Grid Row

Grid Row

After using the filter, you will see all items in the grid that match that filter. From there you can see the details that make up the item, and have the ability to perform a few actions.

Checkbox = The checkbox column will allow you to check on an item to perform an action. It also shows you the status in form of a color.

Buttons = There are a few buttons on the row for the item. The first is history. Clicking that will open the history dialog, and you can see all details on why the item may have that status. The second button will allow you to delete the item, and the third will allow you to edit.

Contact = The contact the item is for. Clicking the contact name will open a new tab, and take you to that contact.

Start Date = The date the item is for.

Cost Center (Program code) = The Cost center for the item

Activity = the Activity code for the item

Procedure = This is the procedure that the codes mapped to. Procedures are defined under list maintenance in the system.

CPT Code = As defined under the insurance company, the CPT code this item maps to.

Staff = The user in the system that is linked to this item. This is usually the user that has performed the service.

Duration = The amount in minutes this item took

Payer = The insurance company that this item has mapped to, as defined by the contacts billing schedule form. If the item cannot map to an insurance, Self Pay will show in place

Charge = If the item maps to a billable procedure, the charge of the service will show.

Client = If the contact has a co-pay for that insurance, it will show here.