Modifying the diagnosis list

This article describes how to add, edit or remove diagnosis entries from the Diagnosis list. This article assumes your user already has permission to "List Maintenance".

To access the diagnosis list, you will need to navigate to Diagnosis by going to Tools -> List Maintenance -> Diagnosis. From here you can add new items, edit existing items or, in the rare cases its necessary, delete items.

Adding a diagnosis

To add a new diagnosis, first determine its axis and select the corresponding axis button that appears above the list.

Adding a diagnosis

Next click “Add”. You will be presented with a few fields. Of the fields you should always provide a Drop Down Text as this is the text that appears in drop downs on Unicentric forms. Next, enter the ICD or DSM codes associated with the diagnosis and click “Save” to add the diagnosis to the list. Note that items new items are added to the list in alphabetical order.

Editing a diagnosis

To edit an existing item, locate the item within the appropriate diagnosis axis list and select it so that it is highlighted in blue. Afterward you will hit the “Edit” button. Note that if an item isn’t selected before hitting the “Edit” button you will receive an error.

Editing a diagnosis

After hitting “Edit” you will be able to make changes to the diagnosis text or the DMS/ICD code text in the text boxes that appear. After making your changes hit the “Save” button to save your changes.

Deleting a diagnosis

Finally, you can delete items. We don’t recommend doing this as this will cause any form that had this value selected in a drop down to be blank after the item has been deleted. Instead we recommend editing the item and changing the drop down text to include the word [Inactive] or [Retired] to indicate that this option should no longer be selected and is only being kept for historical purposes.

Deleting a diagnosis

If you still need to delete the diagnosis, simply locate the diagnosis in the appropriate axis list box and select it so that it appears blue. Next, hit the “Delete” button and the diagnosis will be removed. Note that if an option is not selected and you try to delete, you will receive an error. Once this is done it cannot be undone.