Accessing another users calendar
This article describes how to give a user access to view, modify or delete items on another users calendar. This article assumes your user has the User Maintenance permission.
To gain the permission that you will need to manage (delete, create etc.) first you will need to go into User Maintenance by navigating to “Tools” and then the “User Maintenance” link in the menu that runs along the left side of the screen.
Next, find the user who you would like to get permissions for. In my example I, as user: admin, will obtain access to user: dev1’s calendar. After finding the user, click on their name.
After clicking the users name, you will be presented with a window like below. From here you will want to click the “Calendar Permission” button.
In the pop up that appears will be a drop down that says “User Groups”. If it isn’t already, you will need to set this list box value to “Users” instead of “Groups”.
Next, in the list box under the “User Groups” drop down, find your user or the user who wants to gain access to the other user’s calendar. Again, for my example I will be giving admin permission to dev1’s calendar.
After selecting the user(s) who will gain access to the user’s calendar, select a permission level from the “Permissions” drop down. The available options are
- Owner – User can view, create, edit, delete all items
- Read Items – User can only view items
- Create Items – User can view and create items for the user
- Advanced – Allows for custom permission allowing giving optional access to Create, Edit or Delete items. You can further specify whether or not the users will be able to delete/edit items they’ve created or delete/edit all items.
After permissions level has been selected from the “Permissions” drop down, click on the “Plus” to give the selected users permission to access this users calendar. Alternatively, you can select a user in the “Users with Permissions” drop down and click the “Minus” to revoke permissions.
After permissions have been assigned, you can close the window. To verify everything was set up correctly, have the user go to their calendar. Have them click on the “Users” button next to the “Tasks” button. This list will show all users whose calendar they have permission to. Find the user who you just got permission to and then click the checkbox next to their name. Finally, click the refresh button to display that users calendar.