

Reports can be accessed in two ways. First, after loading up a contact, click on the clipboard to the right of a department name that runs down on the left side of the screen. After clicking the clipboard, if the department has any reports that can be run this way, they will show on the bottom half of the dialog window.


Reports that are run this way typically pertain to the current contact and will only run to display information on them.

The other way to run reports will only work if your user has the “Reports” permission. If your user doesn’t and you need reports to run, you will need to get in contact with someone who can modify your user permissions.

To start, you will need to go to the “Tools” that appears at the top of the screen.

Next you will need to find and click on the Reports link that appears in the list on the left side of the screen. If you don’t have the reports permission the link will not show. Clicking the link will display all reports tied to the departments you have system access to.

To run a report, simply find the report that you want to run and select and output type (either excel, pdf or csv.)

After selecting a report output type the report will either run automatically or you will be prompted to enter parameters for the report such as dates or programs to limit the reports results. Limiting report results will also help decrease the reports run time. After entering the reports parameters you just need to click the “Click to Run Report” button to run the report.