Pantry Pickup Times


“Pantry Pickup Times” will allow pantry users to set times/intervals that members can come and pick up their order. When placing an order, members can then choose among the available times they’d like to pick their order up. Please note that this feature was designed to work together with the Pantry Schedules. The schedules determine which days are available for a member to place an order for pickup and the Pickup Times will allow pantries to set times that a member can pickup their order on a specific day.

Enabling pickup times

Pantry Pickups times are enabled on a site by site basis and are disabled by default. To Enable Pantry Pickup Times, access “Sites” under Pantry Maintenance.

Select the “Edit” icon for the site that you want to enable (or disable) pantry pickup times. On the “Edit” screen, scroll to the “Pickup Time Availability Settings” section of the dialog and check “Enable Pickup Time Selection”. Remember to save to confirm the change.

Please note that by enabling pickup times, the member will be required to select a time among available pickup times to pickup their order. If there are no pickup times available, the member will not be able to place an order because there will be no pickup times to select.

After enabling pickup times for a site, remember to set up pickup time availability as soon as possible so member ordering is not impacted.

Setting up pickup times

Under Maintenance, select Pickup Time Availability.

This will expose the pickup time availability calendar. In the top right-hand corner of the page, you can select the site. Please note that pickup time availability must be added on a site by site basis.

Having the drop-down set to “All” will allow you to see pickup time availability set up for all sites however you cannot add availability for all sites. Attempting to add a new pickup time availability slot will for the “All” site or for a site that has not enabled pickup time availability will cause the following warning to display.

Adding/Editing Availability

When adding or editing pickup time availability, users have several options.

1. Pickup Date - The date that the pickup time availability will be for. By default, this will be set to the date that was clicked on from the calendar view however the date can be adjusted.

2. Start time - The earliest time for pickup for the day. This means, going off the example above, the earliest time a member can select for pickup time is 9:00 AM

3. End time - The latest time for pickup. This means, going off the example above, the latest time a member can select for pickup time is 9:00 PM

4. Note - This references the text that appears on the calendar when adding availability. This allows users to differentiate pickup time availability that is placed on the same day.

5. Is Holiday - Checking this disables all other functions of the Pickup Time Availability and makes it so a member cannot select this date as a pickup day for their order. For more information, see the section of this article labeled “Holidays”.

6. Pickup Window Interval Minutes - The intervals in which pickup times can be selected. In my example above, I have it set to 15 minutes. This means that every option in the pickup time dropdown will increment by 15 minutes from the previous time. Starting from 9:00, then 9:15, 9:30, etc.

7. Max Member Per Interval - When a pickup time is selected, the system keeps track of the number of people who have placed an order where they selected that particular time as the pickup time. Once the number of people who requested that pickup time has reached the “Max Member Per Interval”, no other members can select that pickup time.

8. Frequency - Instead of having to create several near-identical pickup time availability records across multiple days, you can use the frequency to have the availability record duplicate across different days. When setting frequency, you have the option to choose to have the availability repeat either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

9. End date - When setting a frequency, you can enter an end date so that the availability record is not repeated infinitely.


If a day is checked off as being a holiday, members will not be able to select the day marked as being a holiday as a pickup day. For Example, creating an availability record for April 1st, 2020 and checking the “Is Holiday”

Will cause a member to see no pickup times available when they attempt to select a pickup day for their order.

If the member switches to a non-holiday date that does have pickup time availability set up, the available options will be visible.

Common Questions

Q: Why can’t members choose a pickup time option for a specific pickup date?

A: Make sure there is an availability record available for that date and for the site that the member is associated with.