
You can add food Certifications to track by food item for pantry members. When adding Certifications, remember to only add them if they are going to be diligently tracked; as adding a certification offers it as an option for criteria for pantry members to select their food items by.

To get to the Certifications management screen, click on the Maintenance tab to expand it and select Certification

Adding a Certification

Remember to ensure that the Certification you are going to add does not already exist. Adding duplicates will make it difficult to correctly select and filter food items with required certifications for pantry members.

Adding a certification begins with clicking the Add Certification button, this will bring up the Add Certification window

Fill out the information for the certification and select Save to save and continue working on the item or Save & Close to save the item and close the dialog. Note that Certification Type is derived from a list of Certification Types you can add using another Maintenance window. 

Edit a Certification

To edit an existing Certification, click the Edit button in the right-most column of it's row in the Certifications grid. If the Certification you intend to edit may have previously been marked as inactive, you can view inactive certifications by checking the "Include Inactive" checkbox above the grid next to the Add Certification button. 

From the Edit Certification dialog, you can change or add information the same way as when creating a certification. Most of the time you will be editing an existing certification, it will be to either mark it as Inactive, or to mark it as Active. This is done with the Is Active checkbox to the right of the Description field. Remember to use the Save button after your changes so that your work is saved correctly.