
The Pantry Print service is a way to automatically print pantry member orders as they come in through a web page. The print service will currently only print orders that are to be picked up on the day the print service is running. This service requires the user who initiates the auto print to have permission to "Pantry Print" as well as either:

-the computer being used to print from must have a Dymo LabelWriter® 4XL with the following software:

DYMO Label Software 8.7.3. (a download should automatically run in your browser)

SDK DYMO Label Software  (a download should automatically run in your browser)

installed and connected to the machine for the Dymo direct method which will only allow you to print to a Dymo LabelWriter® 4XL printer.


the computer being used to print from must

  • have the latests version of Java - https://www.java.com/en/download (download this first) and
  • the latest version of QZ tray (https://qz.io/download/) installed for the QZ print method which will allow you to print to any printer.

Start Auto Printing

Note, if you've used the Auto Printing before you can access your prior settings (sites, printer instance name, delay) by navigating to the page the printer was previously on. At the time of writing (June 2021) that page would be https://sx2043.unicentric.com/FPPantryPrint/Print/Index . Bookmark this page in your browser so that you don't have to re-authenticate to access the auto printing service.

To begin printing, you will need to generate a token for the page in the dialog that pops up. This allows the system to remember your previous settings if you choose to bookmark the Pantry Print page that is generated by choosing your configuration settings. The settings available are:

1. Select all the sites that you'd like to auto print orders for. Note that the only sites visible to you here will be the sites that your user has permission to.

2. The printer instance name is our method for keeping track of which printer auto printed an order.

3. This is the time the system takes to check for and print new orders. Note that the delay entered must be between 30 and 1440 seconds.

4. We have two methods of printing. The Dymo Direct print method which can be used by Dymo LabelWriter® 4XL printers and the QZ Print method which can be used by any printer. Select the Dymo print method only if you have a Dymo LabelWriter® 4XL printer installed and hooked up to the computer which you'll be printing from.

The Dymo direct print page was designed to print directly to the Dymo printer so that the installation and updating of the third party QZ.io and Java software are no longer necessary.

Once you’ve generated you’re token you will be taken to either the Dymo Direct Print or QZ Print page. Both pages are effectively the same but the QZ page requires a bit more set up which I will go into here.

Remembering Print Settings

The Pantry Print page has the ability to remember the settings you selected on the "Generate Token" dialog. To do this, after the print page is loaded, save the URL.

Bookmark - you can bookmark the page so that you can access the page from your bookmarks in the future to quickly access the page.

FireFox: Click on the star in the right side of the address bar. You'll be prompted to select a folder to add the bookmark to and a name to give the bookmark. After you've chosen a name and folder, click "Done". This will add the page to your bookmarks.

Hovering over the "Other Bookmarks" button will allow you to see the pages you've bookmarked so far. Clicking on the bookmark will take you to the page.

Chrome: Click on the "Star" that appears in the address bar of the Pantry Print page. If you're prompted to select a folder to add the bookmark, choose a folder that you will remember and click "Done".  This will cause the page to be added to your bookmarks.

To access your bookmarks, click on the three dots that appear in the top right hand corner of the browser. Next, click "Bookmarks" and then find the bookmark you just added. If you chose to add it to a folder, it will be found in one of the folders at the bottom of the menu options, otherwise it will appear above the list of folders.

The next time you open the URL, you should find that you won't have to re-authenticate into the site or generate the token again to begin printing.

QZ Setup

Make sure you have the latest version of QZ tray (https://qz.io/download/) installed. Once installed successfully, you should be able to find a printer icon in your task bar.

After you’ve confirmed the installation of the QZ tray, ensure that you’ve launched and connected to the tray by using the “Launch QZ” and “Connect” buttons on the page.

if you can’t find the above buttons make sure that you haven’t accidentally hidden them by clicking the side menu button that appears as three horizontal bars.

You may receive a popup asking you to allow "Unicentric to connect to the QZ Tray" or "Allow Unicentric to access connected printers". Click "Allow", and so the popup does not show in the future, check the "Remember this decision" checkbox.

Regardless of the print method you select, you will see a page that looks like the following

  1. Current Printer  This is where you will select the printer that the orders will print to.
  2. Set delay (in seconds)  This is the delay used when the page looks up new orders that were submitted.
  3. Set Printer Instance Name  This is the printer name we track internally to keep track of which orders printed to which printer.
  4. Sites - This tells the system which sites to lookup orders for when checking for new orders to print.
  5. Begin Printing - You will need to click this button so that the program will begin checking for new orders to print.
  6. Mode - In "Manual" mode, you have the option to reprint orders already printed. In "Continuous" mode, the system will print new orders as they come in automatically.

There is a log at the bottom of the page that keeps track of orders that were recently printed.

You will see the order that is being printed, the member id of the member who placed the order as well as the actual printer name of the printer being used to print the order.

The entries in the log are added from top to bottom. Entries at the top are the most recent and entries at the bottom are the oldest entries.


With the version 2.3 release, we've added the ability to reprint orders to the print page.

To reprint an order, change the "Mode" radio button to "Manual" by default, when the page is loaded, the mode will be continuous.

Next, in the text fields under "Reprint Order", enter either a range of orders to print or enter the member id and pick up date to print. When you click "Reprint", the system will find all orders that fit the criteria entered and begin printing them.