

To get the inventory of items into the system inventory, items need to be received on an order previously placed from the ‘Order’ page. To access the “Receive” page, you will need to click on the left sidebar menu from the dashboard and then select “Pantry Warehouse”.

Once the “Pantry Warehouse” page is open, select the “Receive” button in the left sidebar menu on the page.

Receiving an order

To receive items on an order, you’ll first need to find the order that contains the items you intend to receive. When you first open the Receive Order page, by default, you will see all open orders that are active between the dates present in the “Order Between” date field in the grid on the bottom half of the page. There are several search filters you can apply to find a specific order more quickly.

1. Vendor - This is the entity providing the items for the order

2. Order # - If an order number was entered when the order was placed, you can enter the number here to field all orders matching that number.

3. Order Between  You can change this date range to include only orders placed within the range.

4. Include Received  If you’d like to review an order that has already been received, you can check the “Include Received” checkbox to include them.

Receiving the order

To add items from an order into inventory, select the Edit button in the Orders grid on the bottom half of the page after you’ve found the order you want to receive items against. Clicking the Edit button will bring up an ‘Order Detail’ screen. There are three parts to this screen:

Order Header Details  This is information on the overall order.

1. Vendor  The entity providing the inventory items. If you need, you can change the vendor from here if the wrong vendor was selected.

2. Received Date  The date the order was received. Whenever you choose to edit the order this date will default to today’s date. You can change this to whatever date the order was received on. Note that this will only save if you choose to “Mark Order Complete”. If you “Leave Order Open” the date will default to today’s date the next time the order is edited.

3. Total Cost  If there was a cost associated with the order, you can add that here.

4. Order # - The number associated with the order. This would have been entered when the order was initially placed from the “Order” page.

5. Invoice # - If there is an invoice associated with the order, you can enter the number for the invoice here.

6. Occasion  If the order was placed for a specific holiday or occasion you can select that here. Note that if the occasion you’d like to select isn’t listed, it will need to be added by selecting “Maintenance on the sidebar menu and then selecting “Occasions”.

Open on Order

This grid will show you the items that are still open on the order.

The show Received items will show items that have been completely fulfilled in green text. In the “Ord…” column of the grid, you will see the quantity of the item that was requested. In the “Rec…” column you can see how many of that item has already been received. Clicking on any of the rows in the grid will open a new dialog where you can set how many of that item you received.

In my example above, I clicked the row for Onions. Order Qty is set to 900 and I set the Receive Qty to 850 possibly because some onions were lost in transit or the vendor didn’t have enough onions to completely fulfill this item. Once you have the Quantity you received entered you can click save. If the Order Qty and Receive Qty don’t match you’ll see a message: “Order quantity not matched with received quantity, Press Yes to continue.” This message is just letting you know that this item hasn’t been completely fulfilled. If the Order Qty and Receive Qty match, this message won’t appear.

If you receive an item that wasn’t completely fulfilled, a row for that item will remain within the grid. The “Rec…” column will show the amount of that item that’s been received. Taking the onions example from before we now see 850 instead of the 0 that was there before.

If we click on this row now we will see an Order Qty of 50 showing that the system is still expecting another 50 onions to fulfill this item.

If we set the Receive Qty to 50 and save the pop-up again the item will be completely received and removed from the “Open on order” grid.

Received against an order

This is where you will see all the items that have been received against the order while you had the order details for the order open. If you decide to “Leave Order Open”, the next time you open the details for this order, this grid will be empty however you will still be able to see what items have been received by checking the “Show Received Items” checkbox above the “Open on order” grid.

If you’ve needed to update the receive amounts you can click the grid row to bring up the “Receive Product” window to make any necessary changes.

Saving the order

After you’ve finished updating the received quantity for the order you have two options.

You can choose to “Leave Order Open” meaning there are still some items that aren’t fully fulfilled for the order and you’re expecting to receive more items for the order later. This will save any items that you’ve received to the order and keep the order open, so it can be adjusted later. Note that any items received will be available for pantry members to order.

Alternatively, you can “Mark Order Complete” meaning you will no longer be receiving items against this order. Once you’ve marked the order as completed you will need to check off the “Include Received” checkbox to find the order on the Receive Order page.

Receiving items not on an order

You also have the option to receive items that aren’t on an order. This is for situations where you get receive inventory that you weren’t expecting.

To receive items that aren’t on an order, from the Receive Order page, click on the “Receive items not on an order” in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

On the dialog that pops up you can enter the relevant detail information for the items you’re receiving (Vendor, Received Date, Order #, etc.)

Using the “Add Item” button that appears in the right above the “Received Items” grid, you can add the items that you’re receiving. The ‘Receive Product’ pop up we saw before in the ‘Open on Order’ section of this article will show again except all fields will be blank.

Enter the relevant information and click save. Once saved, the item you added will appear in the ‘Received Items’ grid. Continue adding items until you have no more items you want to receive into inventory. Once done, click ‘Mark Order Complete’ to make the items available for orders. You can also choose to ‘Leave Order Open’ if you’d like to resume adding additional items later. Clicking either of these two buttons will cause the items to be added to inventory. If the “Received Date” you entered for the order is before the pickup date used on a pantry member's order, the inventory you added will be included for that member to order when they place their order.