The “Links” widget gives you a centralized place to access web pages you visit on a frequent basis. Using this widget, you can either link to places outside of the Unicentric system (external links) or contacts/forms within the system (internal links).
When you add the links widget, make sure you are in the “Full” view so you can add/edit links. Once you are done, you can switch back to the “Tiny” view if you’d like. You can switch to the Full view by clicking the downward-pointing arrow in the top right corner of the links widget and selecting “settings”.
On the “Links Widget Settings” pop up, make sure the “View” drop-down is set to “Full”. Once that’s done, click “Save” to save your changes.
You can add a new Link by clicking the “+” button that appears in the top left-hand corner of the widget.
Alternatively, you can edit an existing link by clicking the edit button associated with the link row you wish to update.
When adding/editing a link, the view you will see a pop up that looks like the image below:
1. Internal/External Internal should be used if you are looking to link to a form within the system. External should be used for everything else.
2. Title This is the text you will see in the “Links” grid. Give it something you can easily recognize.
3. URL This is the URL of the link you are trying to set.
For External Links, simply copy the address of the page the link is going to. For example, if I want my link to go to Google’s web search, I would enter
For Internal Links, make sure you’re using either Internet Explorer or Firefox. Navigate to the form you wish to link to. For example, if I wanted to link to the admin's employee form in the human resources department, I would search for the admin contact, navigate to the “Human Resources” folder and click on the contacts “Employee” form. Once you are on the form, right-click on some blank space on the form and...
In Internet Explorer:
Select Properties
Right Click on the text of the “Address (URL)” and click select all. Then right click again on the same text and click “Copy”. This will copy the address of the form to your clipboard.
In Firefox:
Select “This Frame” and then “View Frame Info”
Right-click on the “Address:” text and then click select all. Once the text has been selected, right click again and copy. This will copy the address of the form to your clipboard.
Once the address of the form has been copied, navigate back to the Links widget. Make sure the “Internal” radio button is selected and then enter a title letting you know which form this link is going to.
In the URL, paste the full text you copied from the prior step.
Once you have the URL entered, click either the “Update” or “Add” button to save your changes. Click on the text of the link in the grid to make sure your link is going to the proper place.