Appointment Processing History Guide
This guide will explain to you the messages that will appear in the processing history of an appointment. Some of these are error that would need fixed, others are just friendly reminders that something is included in the appointment. If the message is error related I will explain how to fix this issue in the system.
Message Type
There are 5 types of messages that you will see while looking at the processing history of an appointment, each has a assigned color. The 5 types of messages are:
- Pass - Green - (Priority: 0) - Usually states that something that the processing script was looking for was found, no action required.
- Warning - Yellow - (Priority: 1) - Usually states that something that the processing script was looking for was not found but isn't required for processing the item. No action required but could be taken to turn the item green.
- Exception - Red - (Priority: 2) - Usually states that something that the processing script was looking for was not found and is required for processing the item. Action Required to process item further.
- Non Billable - Blue - (Priority: 3) - States a reason an item would be considered non-billable
- No Contact/No Procedure - Grey - (Priority: 5) - Appears when no contact is attached to an appointment and no procedure for appointment can be found.
When the processing is finished the highest priority color will be shown on an item. So for example, if item contained a Warning but also an Exception then the item would turn red for the exception
I have purposely left Holds out as those are usually custom per organization, a hold has the priority of 4 and will show before pass/warning/exceptions/nonbillable.
Pass Messages
The message in this section require no action from the user, they're simply messages letting you know a particular aspect of an appointment is present.
"Action Item"

Reason for Message: The procedure tied to the appointment is marked as an action item.
This setting can be changed when editing a procedure in list maintenance, see screen shot above.
"Action Item is processed"
Reason for Message: The procedure tied to the appointment is not marked as an action item but the proper trigger has been met to process this non-action item.
"Activity Present"
Reason for Message: There is an activity tied to the appointment.
"Authorized for Billing"
Reason for Message: An authorization record is required to process the appointment and an appropriate authorization record was found.
The authorizations for a contact are usually located on the Insurance Information form(Fiscal Department) they have that corresponds to the insurance company paying for the service.
"Client Present"
Reason for Message: There is a contact/client/customer/patient tied to the appointment.
"Department Present"
Reason for Message: The appointment is associated with a particular system department.
"Diagnosis found - Axis I"
Reason for Message: A diagnosis was required for the appointment and a Axis I diagnosis was successfully found.
The need for a diagnosis is determined by the organization's Billing Scheme, if you need to know your Billing Scheme please contact Unicentric.
"Diagnosis found - Axis II"
Reason for Message: A diagnosis was required for the appointment and a Axis II diagnosis was successfully found.
The need for a diagnosis is determined by the organization's Billing Scheme, if you need to know your Billing Scheme please contact Unicentric.
"Employee Present"
Reason for Message: There is a user tied to the appointment.
This message will most likely appear 100% of the time as in almost all manners of inserting appointment data a user must be selected.
"Location Present"
Reason for Message: There is a location tied to the appointment.
"Modifier Present"
Reason for Message - There is an activity modifier tied to the appointment.
Usually this is associated with the user degree or credentials, this modifier often changes the amount being charged for the service.
"No Authorization required"
Reason for Message - An insurance information form was found that corresponds to the insurance company paying for the service. On this insurance information form the "Authorization Required?" drop down is set to "No".
"Program Present"
Reason for Message - There is a program/cost center tied to the appointment.
"Valid Insurance Rate found"
Reason for Message - An insurance rate was found that corresponds to the procedure/payer/date of service being used for the appointment.
"Valid Procedure"
Reason for Message - A procedure was found with the mapping to fit the details of the appointment record. This procedure must also be active and billable.
The procedure mappings can be found at the bottom of the screen when editing a procedure, a screen shot of this section is below.
Warning Messages
The messages in this section may require action from the user. Fixing these could turn the item green but it is not required to send the appointment to the batching process.
"Authorization unable to be determined"
Reason for Message - There was an issue when trying to determine the authorization, please consult Unicentric for further information.
This message can appear for a magnitude of reasons, if the issue can't be resolved create a feedback detailing the problem.
How to Resolve - Contact Unicentric for further details.
"Insurance information may be incomplete"
Reason for Message - This message will appear for 1 of 2 reasons.
- The contact tied to the appointment doesn't have a Billing Schedule
- The contact tied to the appointment has a Billing Schedule with no insurance companies attached and "No Insurance" checkbox is unchecked.
How to Resolve -
- Create a BIlling Schedule and add an insurance company. OR
- Create a BIlling Schedule and check the "No Insurance" .
"Insurance Plan Not Selected"
Reason for Message - An Insurance Info. form for the contact was found but no insurance company is selected.
How to Resolve - Select an insurance company on the contact's Insurance info. form.
"No Associated Program"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have a program associated to it.
"No Associated Location"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have a location associated to it.
"No Associated Modifier"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have an activity modifier associated to it. The activity modifier corresponds to the degree/credentials of the user whom performed the service.
How to Resolve - If there is no activity modifier but there should be, check the Employee form of the user whom provided the service. On this form check to make sure the degree/credential field has a value selected, if it is correct but still not pulling to the item then contact Unicentric for further assistance.
"No Authorization available for given CPT Code"
Reason for Message - An authorization was required for the appointment but the system was unsuccessful in finding an appropriate authorization.
How to Resolve - If you know there is an authorization for this contact/service then check the Insurance Info for the contact. Make sure there is a row in the authorization grid that has:
- Date Range that includes the Date of Service
- Is for the CPT Code that matches the CPT Code of the appointment.
- Has remaining units available
If a row exist with those criteria but the warning still appears, contact Unicentric for further assistance.
"No Batching Scheme Selected for <Insurance Company Name>"
Reason for Message - The insurance company attached to the appointment doesn't have a batching scheme selected.
How to Resolve - Set a batching scheme for the insurance company in List Maintenance, screen shot of the field below.
"Script Failure : <Script Name>"
Reason for Message - This message will appear with the name of a custom script that was created for the organization.
How to Resolve - Contact Unicentric along with the details of the appointment it appeared on, this is something we will have to resolve internally.
"This procedure has been preformed more than once for this contact on this date."
Reason for Message - There are two conditions that must be met for this message to appear:
- Another appointment released to the proofing screen exist with the same Contact, Procedure, and Date.
- The consolidation rules for the procedure being used are set to none
How to Resolve - Resolving this issue is only required if the consolidation rules for the procedure are incorrect or you're not allowed to bill for this same procedure more than once on the same day. Usually if a procedure is not to be billed more than once a day the second appointment will be rejected by the insurance company.
Exception Messages
The messages in this section will require action from the user, an item can't be billed with these issues.
*Note*- Some of these message can appear as a exception or a warning, what it is depends on a property called "Auto Process". You can tell if an appointment is setup for Auto Process if the "Auto" column is checked on the proofing screen(See Screenshot Below).
"Copay not entered for Insurance Company"
Reason for Message - A valid Insurance Info. form has been found but the copay field is empty.
How to Resolve - Go to the Insurance Info. form in the contact's record and update the copay field. If there is no copay set the value to 0.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance Company is not valid"
Reason for Message - The insurance company tied to the appointment is not in the system.
How to Resolve - Verify the insurance company being used is in List Maintenance -> Payment Sources, if its present then contact Unicentric for further assistance.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance Company has already been billed"
Reason for Message - Appointment being processed has already been billed to the insurance company currently on the item.
How to Resolve - Ensure that the appointment shouldn't be billed to another insurance company for the contact such as a secondary payer. If this is not the case, its possible that the item was previously billed by mistake, for any unresolvable issues, contact Unicentric.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance Company has already declined payment"
Reason for Message - Appointment being processed has already been billed to the insurance company currently on the item and that payment was declined.
How to Resolve - This may require some investigation as you will have to know why the payment was declined to assess if there is an issue. The reason for decline will not be available in Unicentric and would have to be viewed on a site hosted by the clearing house being used, most likely Emdeon. If you need credentials to login to Emdeon's site or need help resolving these issues please contact Unicentric.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance has expired"
Reason for Message - The appointment's date of service doesn't fall into the date range of the insurance plan coverage, these dates are available on the contact's Insurance Info. form.
How to Resolve - This depends on if the Insurance Info form information is correct, if the start or end date is incorrect you might be able to fix it by updating either. If this is not the case then a new insurance plan must be added, a different insurance company must be used or the item will default to self-pay.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance is not active"
Reason for Message - The Insurance Info. form tied to the insurance company has the "Inactive" checkbox checked.
How to Resolve - If this is incorrect then go to the contact's Insurance Info. form and uncheck the "Inactive" checkbox.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"Insurance Records out of date"
Reason for Message - This message will appear if there is an error while evaluating a rate, whether it be for third party or self-pay. It is not tied to any one issues so if it appears contact Unicentric for further details.
"No Associated Client"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have a contact tied to it.
"No Associated Employee"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have a user tied to it.
"No Associated Activity"
Reason for Message - The appointment doesn't have an activity tied to it.
"No Billing Scheme Specified"
Reason for Message - Your organization doesn't have a Billing Scheme, the Billing Scheme of an organization determines how some things in billing are handled.
How to Resolve - This is a very rare issue, if it does occur contact Unicentric.
"No Bill Units selected for Units based rate"
Reason for Message - The insurance rate being used has the "Unit Per Hour" value set to 0 when using a Calc Method based on Units.
How to Resolve - The insurance rate "Unit Per Hour" value must be updated in List Maintenance -> Payment Sources -> Edit Payment Source Being Used -> Edit Insurance Rate Being Used(Edit Insurance Rate dialog in screenshot below).
"No Diagnosis found"
Reason for Message - A diagnosis for client is required based on the organization's billing scheme but one wasn't found.
How to Resolve - If the contact should have a diagnosis and doesn't you will have to add this to their Diagnosis form. If a diagnosis shouldn't be required then contact Unicentric for further assistance, could be an issue with your billing scheme.
"No Member ID for Insurance Company"
Reason for Message - A valid Insurance Info. form was found but the Policy # of their plan isn't filled out.
*NOTE* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"No Procedure For Given Information"
Reason for Message - A procedure can't be identified based on the appointment details(program/activity/location/modifiers/expense/diagnosis type).
How to Resolve - To resolve this you must know what procedure you want it to use then you can figure out where in the mapping there are possible issues. One tool that can help is a button called "Test Mapping" in List Maintenance -> Procedure -> Edit Procedure you wish to use. It will show you all the combinations of appointment details that will map to that procedure(Screenshot below). At the creation time of this article Test Mapping is only available in Classic view.
*NOTE* - If there is no contact attached to the appointment then the item will turn gray.
"No record for this insurance rate"
Reason for Message - An insurance rate couldn't be found for the particular Insurance Company/Procedure/Date of Service being used.
How to Resolve - If an insurance rate should exist then it must be added under the payment source being used. This can be done by going to List Maintenance -> Payment Sources -> Edit the Payment Source being used, at the very bottom of this dialog in the rates tab you will see an "Add" button, pressing this will make a dialog appear so you can enter the details for the new rate. WARNING - To do this you must understand the properties of the rate you want to setup, if you need assistance contact Unicentric.
*NOTE#1* - Some payers have their insurance rates underneath another "Master" payer. To know if this is the case edit the insurance company being used(List Maintenance -> Payment Sources), look at the "Waterfall CPT codes from payer" field. If this field has another insurance company selected then all rates for the insurance company you're editing will be under the other insurance company in the "Waterfall CPT codes from payer" field. If this field doesn't have another insurance company selected then all rates will be under the insurance company being edited.
*NOTE#2* - If Auto Process is checked for this appointment this message will appear as a warning(Yellow).
"No Self-Pay Rate is available"
Reason for Message - The payer for the appointment is set to "Self-Pay" but there is no self-pay rate entered for the procedure.
How to Resolve - This is probably one of two issues:
- The item didn't correctly link to the intended third party payer thus defaulted to self-pay. In this case you have to resolve why the item didn't link to the insurance company.
- The item should be for self-pay but there is no self-pay rate for the procedure. In this case you must enter a self-pay rate for the procedure, this can be done under List Maintenance -> Procedure -> Edit the procedure being used. At the bottom of this screen are a series of tabs, click the second one for Self-Pay Rates, in this tab you can add/edit the rate.

"Procedure is not active"
Reason for Message - The procedure being used for the appointment has the "Is Active" checkbox unchecked.
How to Resolve - If this procedure should be active then the "Is Active" checkbox must be checked under List Maintenance -> Procedures -> Edit procedure being used.

"Procedure is not Third Party Billable"
Reason for Message - The procedure being used for the appointment doesn't allow third party payers but one is associated.
How to Resolve - If this procedure should allow third party payers then the "Allow Third Party" checkbox must be checked under List Maintenance -> Procedures -> Edit procedure being used.

"Unable to determine charge"
Reason for Message - An error has occurred when trying to determine the charge of the appointment.
How to Resolve - There are many reasons why this message can appear, for further instructions contact Unicentric.
*NOTE* - When this message appears the charge will default to $0.
"Unable to determine client liability"
Reason for Message - An error has occurred when trying to determine the client's liability for the appointment.
How to Resolve - The first thing to check is to see if the client has an Insurance Company set up on their billing schedule. If they do not and that is expected, check the "Overide Agency Billing" grid that is on the Billing Schedule form. There should be an entry for the Activity in the service.
If the "Overide Agency Billing" grid has an empty row, use the delete button to remove that row. This will cause issues when determining the correct charge to the client.
*NOTE* - When this message appears the client liability will default to $0.
Non-billable Messages
Messages in this section will appear when an item burns non-billable meaning there will be no charge or member liability(CoPay). These items will appear on the Non-billable screen instead of the Third Party Billing Screen when processed from the proofing screen.
"Procedure is not Billable to <Insurance Company Code>"
Reason for Message - The insurance company tied to the appointment has only non-billable insurances rates for the procedure being used.
How to Resolve - If the procedure must be billable to the insurance company then a billable insurance rate must be added. This can be added in List Maintenance -> Payment Sources -> Edit Payment Source being used -> Press Add button in Rates tab.
"Procedure is not Billable to Self-Pay"
Reason for Message - The procedure tied to the appointment has only non-billable self-pay rates.
How to Resolve - If Self-Pay should be billable then a billable self-pay rate must be added. This can be added in List Maintenance -> Procedures -> Edit Procedure being used -> Self Pay Rate tab.
"Procedure is not Billable"
Reason for Message - The procedure tied to the appointment has the "Billable" checkbox unchecked.
How to Resolve - If the procedure should be billable then you must check the "Billable" checkbox in the procedure settings. This can be done in LIst Maintenance -< Procedure -> Edit Procedure being used -> Billable checkbox.
Comment Messages
These message appear simply to state information, they don't change the status of the appointment but they can provide useful information.
Reason for Message - This message appears when the "Auto" checkbox is checked for the appointment(visible on proofing screen). Some of the exceptions messages are turned to warnings when this is checked.
"Diagnosis not applicable"
Reason for Message - This message appears when a diagnosis is not required to process an appointment. This setting is based on the billing scheme of the organization.
"Expense Present"
Reason for Message - An expense is attached to the appointment.
"Manual Insurance Override"
Reason for Message - This message appears when the "Auto" checkbox is unchecked for the appointment(visible on proofing screen).
"No Associated Expense"
Reason for Message - This message appears when there is no expense attached to the appointment.
"No Associated Department"
Reason for Message - There is no department attached to the appointment.
"Procedure is not Third Party billable"
Reason for Message - There is an insurance company attached to the appointment but the procedure doesn't allow for third party payers.
"Waterfall to Self-Pay"
Reason for Message - An insurance company couldn't be found for the appointment, the payer will default to self-pay.