Contact Relationships

Under a contact you can link other contacts in the system to the contact.

Click on a contact to open their record

Click on a contact to open their record

Click on the Relationships tab

Click on the Relationships tab

If your organization is set up with a custom relationship grid, you will see the above.

Add new relationship

Add new relationship

Click the Add new record button.

Select "I am selecting my.." or "I am the..." based on the context of the contact you are on.

"I am selecting my..."

This option denotes that you are looking to associate a contact of the chosen type (to be selected from the 'Select type...' dropdown) to the open contact. For example, if the contact type chosen from the dropdown is Doctor, you are looking to associate another contact as the open contact's Doctor.

"I am the..."

This option denotes that you are looking to create a relationship to another contact where the open contact is of the type to be selected in the subsequent 'Select Type...' dropdown. For example, if the contact type chosen from the dropdown is Doctor, you are looking to associate the open contact as another contact's Doctor.

Select the type from the dropdown.

The "Select contact" dropdown will populate with any contacts that have been selected with that type. You can choose the contact from the dropdown, or click the + button to search for a contact.



Click the update button to save the record.

Update relationship

Update relationship

Click the edit button in the grid

To change the type, select a new option in the dropdown

To change the contact, click on the contact name to edit.

Click the Update button when finished.

Delete relationship

Delete relationship

Click the delete button in the grid

Toggle active status

Toggle active status

Click the Toggle Status button in the grid

This will change the Active Status to Inactive