Scheduler Permission

On the scheduler page, the list of users for the Selected Users section are based on the scheduler permission

Add scheduler permission

Permission is added under User Maintenance. First, load up the user that is using the scheduler page, and select the Other User tab.

The users on the left are ones that the selected user has permissions to.


The icons is a visual way to see what the permissions are. To see the details, click on the user name.

To add a new user, click the add button

Search for the contact, select their name(s), and click the Ok button

The name will now show in the list.

By default, they will automatically get the timesheet permission added. Click on the users name to add/remove the other permissions.

Tick the check-box next to Scheduler to add the scheduler permission. Un-tick Timesheet if they should not have this permission.

Click the Save User button when finished.

When the user reloads the scheduler page, they will have access to this new user.