
The scheduler tool allows you to schedule appointments for contacts in the system for users you have permission to.

First, search for the contact you would like to schedule for

First, search for the contact you would like to schedule for

If the contact has any upcoming appointment, you will see them listed under their name

Next, select the user(s) you would like to see

Next, select the user(s) you would like to see

You can type the name in the selected users textbox, or select a group that you have permission to to add all users in that group you have scheduler permission to. If you do not see a user in either list, contact the person at your organization that is in charge of user maintenance, and they can add the scheduler permission.

For each user you select you will see a column representing that users calendar for the selected day.

Any appointments for the selected users will display.If you have correct permission, you will be able edit.

Create new calendar item

Create new calendar item

To create a new calendar item on the scheduler page, click on any "free" part of the grid under the user you want to create the appointment for.

Search for availability

Search for availability

If you want to find the next available slot for the contact to be scheduled to, click on the search availability button. This feature will only work if the user has set up availability under "My Availabiity"

This will show a search screen for availability.Highlight any of the days (default is Mon through Friday) by clicking on the day.

Select a Preferred time (default is Any)

Select the duration of the appointment.

Select the earliest date in which the appointment can start.

Select the location. When availability for the user is defined, choosing a location here will limit the results to only the location selected.


Select the number of results you want returned.

The search will check all selected users availability and return a list of available times that the selected contact can be scheduled for. If no results are returned, that means there are no “available” slots on the users selected. This can be caused by Availability not being set up for the user. This search will not be able to find an available time slot if there are no availability slots defined. If there are results, you will see them in the grid.

You can select the available slot from the list, and fill in the code values below along with a subject. This will create an appointment on the users calendar. Click the Close button to go back to the scheduler.

Scheduler options

Scheduler options

Above the scheduler there are options that will allow you to see more or less of the scheduler. Choosing a date will allow you to see up to 3 months, and selecting a date will take you to that date in the scheduler.

Days is the number of days that should show on the scheduler. With more users, you may want to see less days. (or vice versa)

Only show availability or appointments, when checked, will only show users that have availability set up, or if they have a calendar item for the selected contact.

Clicking the collapse button will cause the scheduler to collapse into a 2 week view. Depending on the number of users selected, this may cause the scheduler to become unreadable.