Case Management
The Unicentric Feedback system has a variety of robust ways that you can locate and manage all cases, whether they be ongoing or long since closed.
Using the Case Grid
The case grid is what is displayed whenever the feedback system is initially accessed, or when the user navigates to the Cases Screen. It displays all cases submitted by the current user, or if the current user is a SPOC, all cases submitted within their organization. The grid can be sorted, searched, and filtered so that the user can quickly find the cases they are looking for
To sort the grid, click the header of the column you want sorted. This will automatically sort the grid by that column in Ascending order (earliest -> latest for dates, A -> Z for text, and lowest -> highest for numbers). Click the column header again to switch the sorting to Descending.
Click the Filter icon at the right of a column header to apply a filter to that column. Note that some filter types are only available to certain column types (e.g. Text, Number, and Date). The filter applied can be as follows:
- Is equal to - only show items in the column with the exact value contained in the associated text box. For example, if you know a case number was 99512 exactly, you can apply a filter to the Case Number column "is equal to 99512" to quickly find the case.
- is not equal to - Show all items whose value for this column is not the entered value. For example, if you add filter to the Status column of "is not equal to closed" to filter out all cases that have been marked as closed
- Starts with (Text ) - Show all items where the entered value is in the beginning of the column. For example, if you know the Subject of the case started with "Intake -" but can't remember the exact value to use "is equal to," this type will show all case items that start with the "Intake -"
- Contains (Text) - This filters shows only cases with a value in the column that contains the entered value. For example, if you enter "Contains Demographic Report" as a filter to the Subject column, the grid will show all cases with the exact text "Demographic Report" in the subject.
- Does not contain (Text) - Filter out all cases that contain the entered text
- Ends with (Text) - Display only the cases that have the entered value at the end of the column value.
- Is greater than or equal to (Number) - Shows all cases that have a value greater than the entered value
- Is less than or equal to (Number) - Shows all cases with a value less than or equal to the entered value
- Is after or equal to (Date) - Shows all cases that contain a date on or after the entered date for that column
- Is before or equal to (Date) - Shows all cases that contain a date on or before the entered date for that column
You can also use the "And/Or" and second set of filter options to fine tune the search on the grid. Filters can be added to multiple columns at once if needed.
Case Details
To view the details of a case, simply click on the Case Number within the cases grid. From here the user can see the status of the case as well as make any necessary changes to the case details, generate a printout of the case, or view and add notes to the case. If you are making changes to the editable fields (Case Subject, Project, Date Created, Description, and Case Tags) remember to click the Save Changes button in the bottom right.
Scroll down below the Case Details and you will see the Case Notes. The notes section shows all comments and attachments that were added to the case (added by either Unicentric users or your organization's users). The notes are sorted from most recent at the top to oldest at the bottom.
To add a new note click the green "Add Reply" button at the top right of the grid.
The new note dialog will be brought up and you can enter your reply/note in the Description text area and/or attach a screenshot or other document to the case via the Attachments section. Once the note is ready, click the Save New Note button to add it to the case. Unicentric staff will than receive an alert that the case has been updated and the case status will be changed to "Customer Replied" automatically.