Viewing EDI files

The EDI file is all the fields of claims being sent to the payer.  This article will explain some methods on how to convert EDI files generated by the system into something that is more human readable.

Downloading the EDI file

First you will need to download the file locally. From the Fiscal folder, download the .edi file.

Using Microsoft Word

After opening the file, CTRL+H to open the Find and Replace dialog.

In the "Find what" field, type in ~ (tilde)

In the "Replace with" field, type in ~

Next, select Special then "Manual Line Break"

The "Replace with" field should now have  "~^l"

Now, click the Replace All button

The end result will be every loop of the EDI file on its own line.

Notepad ++

Instead of using Word, you can do a similar replace using Notepad++

Open the EDI file in Notepad++, and press CTRL+H

Find what  : "~"

Replace with : "~\n"

Search Mode : Extended