New Batch Scan
In ver 3.5 a new Batch Scan page was created to replace the current "click-once install" application.
This Batch Scan is web based, and does not require setting up "options"

You will need permission to Batch Scan under User Maintenance.
The page can be opened from the dashboard menu by clicking on Batch Scan.
Queue Tab
The queue tab replaces the click-once install from the previous version. You will create new batches, and add images on this tab
New Batch
Clicking the New Batch button will create a new batch in the grid.
Batch Id - The unique id for the batch
Status - The status of the batch
Created - Batch is created. New barcode files can be added
Modified - Images were added to the batch.
InQueue - Batch has been added to the queue to process. Files cannot be added.
Processed - Batch has been processed. You can see the results on the Processed tab.
Image Count - The total number of images that have been uploaded to this batch.
Last Modified - The date this batch was modified (image added, truncated, etc)
Modified By - The user name that made the modification.
Truncate Batch
Truncating the batch will remove all images that have been uploaded. Truncated images can not be restored.
To truncate the batch, first select the batch in the grid, then click the Truncate Batch button.
Delete Batch
Deleting the batch will delete all images then delete the batch. Deleted batches can not be restored.
To delete the batch, first select the batch in the grid, then click the Delete Batch button.
Load Files

To process batches in the system you must first upload barcoded images.
Clicking the Load Files button to see the upload screen.
Click the Select files.. button, or drag/drop the files into select files area.

The format of the file should be a TIFF.
Upload one or more documents, then click the Upload button.

The image count in the batch should increase with the number of pages that were uploaded.

If you want to see the images that were uploaded, you can click the view icon in the batch row.

Add in Queue

When a batch is ready to be processed and routed in the system, you will click the Add in Queue button.
In the previous version of batch scan, batches would process in-line. This sometimes caused errors for users due to large batches, and local barcode processing. Adding to the queue will offload the barcode processing to a dedicated server hosted at our datacenter.
This also allows you to begin working on another batch instead of waiting for the first to finish.
First select the batch in the grid, then click the Add in Queue button.

Once a batch is added into the queue, the status will change to InQueue

When a batch completes, the user that submitted the batch to the queue will see an alert. The results of what was processed will be under the Processed tab.
The refresh button will refresh the grid you are viewing.
Processed Tab
The processed tab will contain the files that were processed in the batch.

The filter will allow you to select a date range and/or contact to see routed documents matching.
Clicking the refresh button will refresh the contents of the grid.
The processed tab grid will be grouped by batch, and list each document that it routed (or could not route)
1. Client Name - The contact that the document was routed to. Clicking on the name in this column will open a new window to that contact.
2. Folder Name - This is the department folder the document was routed to. If the value is unfiled or untitled, this means the document was not routed to a folder.
3. Document Name - This is the name of the document that was routed. If the value is unfiled or untitled, this means the document name could not be determined from the barcode.
4. User Name - The user that created the batch the document was on.
5. Scanned Date - The date the document was added to the batch.
6. Routed Date - The date the document was processed from the queue.
7. Batch Id - The batch id this document is on.

After the document is routed it is changed to a PDF file. If you would like to view or download that file, click the view icon.
Re-Route Document

If the document went to the wrong contact, or department folder, you can re-route the document by clicking this icon.

You will be able to change the contact that it goes to, the document name, and the department folder it is in.

Begin typing the last name of the contact in the Contact Name field. The dropdown will populate with contacts in the system. For contacts with common names, you can type the last name, a comma, a space then the first name. (Ex. "test, jo" will order john test to the top of the dropdown)

To change the document name, type in a new name into the Document Name field.
Note: It is recommended that you leave the extension of ".pdf". Documents will not change type by changing the extension.

To change the department folder, select the new department folder in the dropdown list

Finally, click the Route Document button to re-route the document to its new location.