Manage another users calendar
This article explains the procedure necessary to obtain permission to create, edit and delete items on another users calendar. This article assumes that your user already has access to the User Maintance permssion. If your user does not, you will need to gain this permission from another user who already does (usually someone with an admin role at your organization.)
To gain the permission that you will need to manage (delete, create etc.) first you will need to go into User Maintenance by clicking accessing the menu on the left side of the dashboard screen and navigating to “User Maintenance”.
Next, find the user who you would like to get permissions for. In my example I as admin will obtain permission to delete create items for the user dev1.
After locating the user in the list, click on their name and navigate to the “Calendar” tab. After that, click “Add” and locate Your user.
After you’ve located your user within the list, select it and click Ok.