Department Codes

Department Code mappings cause a calendar appointment to be visible from a contacts department folder. To access the Department Code mapping, your user account must have the “Department Codes” permission.

If your user account does not have permission to “Department Codes”, you or someone with the “User Maintenance” permission can give your account the “Department Codes” permission. Please see our documentation on User Maintenance for more information.

After clicking “Department Codes”, a new page will open.

The grid at the top of the page shows existing mappings. The “Department Folder” column of the mappings grid shows which department a calendar appointment will be added to if the Activity, Program, or Location Code used on the calendar appointment matches the Activity, Program, or Location defined in the grid.

The “Edit” column in the grid will allow you to edit the Activity, Program, Location, or Department Folder used in the mapping.

The “Delete” column will allow you to remove a mapping.

Please note that deleting or editing a mapping will not retroactively remove or change the department that a calendar appointment currently shows in. If a mapping is changed, a calendar appointment can be saved to cause a reference to the calendar appointment to also be added to the newly mapped department.

In the bottom section, you can add new department mappings. Enter the Activity, Program, and Location codes that will map to the department that the calendar appointments should show in. After selecting the Activity, Program, and Location Code, select the Department code that is being mapped. Finally, click “Add” to add the new mapping to the grid at the top of the page.

After the department code mappings are added, a calendar appointment that is saved from that point onward will have a reference added to the department folder defined, if the Location, Activity, or Program matches.