
Users with the Report permission will be able to access the report page from the dashboard menu. If you do not see the option, contact your system administrator to add the permission.


With version 3.6 report favorites was introduced. If there are common reports that you run often, you can "star" the report for them to show at the top of the page. To favorite a report, click the star icon next to the report name

Favorite reports will show at the top of the report page

Click the star icon again to un-favorite.

Running reports

Each report can be ran to generate a PDF, XLS, CSV or RTF. Some reports are built for a particular format, so running in a different format may not work correctly.


At the top of the report grid, you can type part of the report name to filter to the particular report.

Reports Admin

If you have the Reports Admin permission, and the reports module, you will see additional features on the reports page.

Create New Report will allow you to create a new report

An Admin column is now visible in each grid

Edit - will allow you to edit the report

Dump - will allow you to dump the data for the report

Id - will display the report id

Icons - will give you the hidden and private status of the report