
The punch list widget is a list of actionable items that are assigned to you or a group you are a member of. These items are generated from the system, based on form interaction or triggers.



1. Type of punch list item. There are 4 types of items.

Contact  the item deals with a particular contact. Clicking on the contact icon will take you to that contact.

Calendar  The item deals with a particular calendar item. It could be for a contact or not. Clicking on the calendar icon will take you to the calendar item

Form  The item deals with a particular form for a contact. This could be needing to review a form or create a new one. Clicking on the form icon will take you to the form.

Other- This is a general item, and may not link anywhere. The description will explain what should be done.

Punch list items are not associated with billable items, but the resultant work you perform may be.

Not all punch list items will link off somewhere. For example, you may see an item to create a new contact based off of a phone call, portal entry, etc. Since there is no contact, the system will not redirect you to a contact

New types may be added in the future based on how this list is used.

In order for users to use this widget they will need permission to PunchList widget under User Maintenance.

2. The description of the item. It will display a subject and a partial description. To see everything that was typed into the description field click the edit button (column 4)

3. The due date of the item. This is the date the item is expected to be completed by

4. Button to open the punchlist item. Here you will be able to claim,complete,view the punchlist item.

5. Assigned column.Here is where you can see who is assigned. Depending on the settings, this will either be yourself or a group you are in. This column will also contain shortcuts to claim / complete an item.



Display Name - The title that shows on the widget. If you have multiple widgets on your dashboard, you may want to have a different name for each.

Filters - The combination of checkboxes will provide you a list of punchlist items for you to see

 Items only assigned to me - Your list will contain items that were assigned to you.

 Show completed item - After completing an item, it is removed from your list. If you check this checkbox, they will remain in your list

 Items assigned to following group - Adding a group into this list will allow you to see punchlist items that are assigned to a group.

   Limit to contacts that are on my calendar - With the group checkbox checked, this will limit to only show items that have contacts linked that you have associated to a calendar item

Punchlist item - assigned to you

Punchlist item - assigned to you

Items assigned to you will have your user name in the assigned column. If enough information was added to the item, you can click the icon to have it take you to the form/contact. When you complete the item, click the complete link in the assigned column.

Punchlist item - assigned to group

Punchlist item - assigned to group

Items assigned to you will have the group in the assigned column. Anyone in the group can perform this item, but they should claim it first. Clicking the claim link will cause you to claim the item.

Once claimed, you will see your name and the date when it was claimed. The item can be completed by clicking the complete link