
The Attachments screen will list the attachments uploaded in the Feedback system for your organization. If the current user is the SPOC (Single point of contact) they will see all attachments that were uploaded for your organization, as opposed to just the ones they have uploaded.

Attachments Grid

The attachments grid contains various columns that can be sorted, searched, or filtered with the same methods as noted in the cases grid. The columns used for the Attachments grid are:

  • Case Number - The case number that the file is attached to. This can be clicked to quickly jump to the Case Details for that case. This can also be used as a filter column to search for all attachments on a specific case
  • Project Name - The project that is associated with the case the file is attached to. This is a good column to filter by if a user is looking for all attachments that have been sent/received for a specific project
  • Subject - The name of the case that the file is attached to
  • Note Subject - The subject given to the specific note on the case
  • Attachment - The file that the row in the attachment grid is for. Click on the value in this column to view or download the file.
  • Created by - The user that uploaded the file to the feedback system. Sys Admin, as always, is the staff at Unicentric.