Timesheet Admin : Permissions

Under dashboard, timesheets are seen by timesheet admins that have permission to the users timesheet. This is a change from classic where you could see every timesheet that was in the same department / group you were a member.

On the timesheet admin page the dropdown will contain all users that you have permission to. Along with all departments and groups you are a member of.

Performing a search on a single user will display timesheets for that user only.

Performing a search on a group/department will display all users that are in that department that you have permission to see.

Granting permission

Granting permission

Permission is granted under User Maintenance

First, select the user that is the timesheet admin, and switch to the Other User tab

First, select the user that is the timesheet admin, and switch to the Other User tab

The left list contains all users that the selected user has permissions to. From this tab you can set timesheet and scheduler permission.

Next, click the Add button to add a new user / group

Next, click the Add button to add a new user / group

If the user is in the list already, you can click on their name to verify that the timesheet permission has been selected.

Select the user / group that the selected user should have permission to

Select the user / group that the selected user should have permission to

After clicking on the user / group, click the OK button to select.

If the user is responsible for a few timesheets, it is recommended that you select the individual users instead of a group/department. This way it is easier to see which users they are responsible for instead of tracking down whom is in which group.

The user / group that you selected will now be in the list on the left. By default the timesheet permission will be ticked.

Visiting the timesheet admin page again we will see additional user(s) under "All users I can see"

This corresponds to the user(s) that are in the group that was granted timesheet permission to.

The new user(s) that were added in the previous step will now show in the results for any group/department that they are a member of.