
(v3.4) Alerts are a way to notify users or groups in the system with a particular message.



If you want the user to see the alerts dialog window, add the Alerts permission under User Maintenance for the user. Users without this permission will still see alerts, but they will not have the ability to see Received Alerts from the dialog.

Under the Alerts dialog the Alerts permission will grant the user to see all alerts that were sent to them. They will not have the ability to create alerts.

Send Alerts permission

Send Alerts permission

Users with the Send Alerts permission will have the ability to send alerts in the system

They will see the Add Alert section on the Alert dialog, and see any alerts they created.

AlertAdmin Group

AlertAdmin Group

Users in the AlertAdmin group will have the ability to see all alerts that were sent by any user.

Adding an alert

Adding an alert

Enter a message, start date/time, and expiration date/time.

Select the user(s) group(s) that should see this alert. Start typing the name, and select from the type-ahead dropdown. Leaving it blank will send to all users.

Click the Add button to add the message.

The selected list can contain users, groups, and departments.

After the name, (d) indicates Department, (g) indicates Group.

During the time frame defined, a message will show for each user specified in the "Selected" list. The message will show until it is dismissed by the user.

View Alerts

View Alerts

Users with the Alerts permission will be able to see all alerts that they have received.

The message field will show the first 200 characters of the message. Clicking the view icon in the row will display the full message.

Users with the Send Alert permission can click on the alert from the alert tab to see details of the alert including the status of whom saw or didn't see the alert.

An alert can only be expired from this screen. This is done by clicking the Expire button.