Unicentric servicexpertDashboard ManualBillingSetting up a Billable Procedure

Setting up a Billable Procedure

In order to translate the calendar items that users create to something that can be billed to an insurance company, you need to have billable procedures.

The combination of codes used to map a procedure should be unique to the system.

In this example we will be setting up a new procedure  "Test Billable Procedure". To create a procedure, please read this article.

The easy way to have a unique combination of codes is to make your activity codes 1:1 to a procedure.

From the Procedure screen under List Maintenance, select the procedure to create a mapping for. From the Add/Edit dialog, look to the mappings tab.

Select the unique combination of activity, cost center, location, modifier, and expense. Leaving any one of these blank will indicate that any code can be used in the combination. For this example, we are going to select a specific activity, program and location.

Tick the checkbox next to the code and click the Save Procedure button.

If you are making a procedure that is specific to the user that is performing the service, you will include a specific modifier for the mapping. This will allow you to set up a higher rate if the user has a higher degree.

Now that you have codes linked to a procedure, you can test the mappings to make sure there are no other procedures that have the same mappings. If there are, the system can not determine what procedure to pick for billing.

On the procedure dialog click the Test Mappings button.

You will get back all combinations of the selected codes, and what procedure it maps to. If you do not see any red text, everything is set up correctly.

Next will be to set up the rates. If the customer can be charged for this procedure (Self Pay), click on the Self Pay Rates tab on this dialog

Click the Add button to add a new rate.

Active The date when this rate is active
Expired The date in which the rate expired
UPH Units per hour. What is the smallest rate which you will bill. 
Max Units What is the maximum units that this rate can bill for.
Calc Method The calculation method for the rate
Billing Inc If the method supports a billing increment, you can select the minutes here

For this example, we will create a rate that is 4 units per hour, with an unlimited max units. This can be indicated by 999. It just has to be a number over the max units in a day.

Click the Edit in the grid row to add the rate details. Click the Add New button.

CPT Code Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), used for billing.
Duration The max units the service can be for this rate. The unit for this column is hours. so 15 minutes would be .25, 30 minutes would be .5, 1 hour 45 minutes would be 1.75, etc.
Rate The amount for this rate
Expect Used for reporting, the amount you expect to receive for this service

We will add a duration of 1 (hour), and a rate of 25.00 dollars. This means that all services up to 1 hour will be charged a flat rate of 25.00. Save the Procedure when finished.

Now we can go to the proofing screen to try this out. Use the quick add to create a service using the codes selected in the mapping

If a Procedure, CPT Code, and Charge is there in the grid the mapping worked.

Maybe different durations will get charged different amounts. We can change this by adding more rate details.

Instead of having a single row with 1 hour, we can change it to fractions of the hour.

The contact will be charged different amounts depending on how long the appointment is.

If the client has insurance set up in the system, and the service can be charged to the insurance company, the rate will need to be set up under the insurance. This is done under Payment Sources in List Maintenance. Load up the insurance company, and scroll down to the rates

Click the Add button to add a new rate.

Field Description
Active Date The date this rate is active
Procedure Code The procedure that is used for this rate
Units Per Hour The number of units in an hour
Calc Method The calculation this rate will use
Billing increment If the calc method supports, the billing increment it uses
Unit can be zero In some calculations the units per appointment can be zero. if set to no, it will be the min value of units
Procedure Consolidation The duration in time like procedures can be combined into a new appointment
Consolidated By User When consolidation happens, it will be by user
Consolidated Unit Calc
Parent it will use duration from the main calendar item for units, Child it will use the service row duration
Funding Type
Service Code

For the insurance rate we will select Units instead of flat fee.

Click the Save button when finished.

From the Rate grid Edit the procedure we added.

Just like the self pay rates we will add a new rate detail.

1 hour duration with a rate of $100.00

Since we selected units at 15 minute billing increments, the charge will calculate based on the service duration.

You will notice that a payer is now listed. This is the payer we added the rate to for the procedure.

If the client has a co-pay that will show as well