Creating a timesheet

Timesheets are a way to keep track of your billable time for the organization. The calendar items you create during the week are used to link to a timesheet before submitting for review

Dashboard menu

Dashboard menu

The timesheet page can be opened from the dashboard menu. If you do not see this menu item, please contact the user at your organization that is in charge of user maintenance.

Manage Timesheet

Manage Timesheet

When opening the timesheet page, you will be presented with an option to create a new timesheet or open an existing.

Create timesheet

Create timesheet

Click in the choose date textbox to select a date range for your timesheet. You can choose from a predefined range or select custom to set your own. A timesheet can be for any range you like, and multiple timesheets could be created for the same range. Once the date range is selected, click the Create button to create the timesheet.

1. Manage Timesheet will open the dialog to add / open / delete timesheets

2. Quick Add allows you to add an item to this timesheet

3. Add from Calendar allows you to add a calendar item to this timesheet using the calendar dialog

4. All calendar items for the date range that are not on a timesheet will show in this grid. Items can be added and removed from the timesheet by checking/unchecking the checkbox in the row.

5. Totals of the timesheet are displayed in the footer.

Submitting timesheet

Submitting timesheet

When you are finished adding calendar items to your timesheet, click the Save and Submit button to submit your timesheet to be reviewed by the timesheet admin. The timesheet admin in your organization is a person in charge or reviewing your timesheet to make sure it is ready for billing.

If you forget to add an item to your timesheet after submitting, simply create a new timesheet from the manage timesheet screen. You can add and submit the new timesheet when finished.